

What is MarTech?

MarTech is the blending of marketing and technology. Virtually anyone involved with digital marketing is dealing with MarTech, since digital by its very nature is technologically-based. The term “martech” especially applies to major initiatives, efforts and tools that harness technology to achieve marketing goals and objectives.

MarTech, otherwise known as Marketing Technology, is the term for the software and tech tools marketers leverage to plan, execute, and measure marketing campaigns. MarTech tools are used to automate or otherwise streamline marketing processes, collect and analyze data, and provide various means of reaching and engaging with your target audience. The suite of tools a company leverages for marketing processes is known as the MarTech Stack.

Benefits of MarTech

MarTech offers obvious benefits, such as automating processes and saving marketers time, making it possible to manage a multitude of marketing channels with ease. Companies that make smart, strategic investments in MarTech are able to build a comprehensive suite of tools that integrate seamlessly, functioning much like a single, well-oiled machine.

MarTech has transformed marketing into a much more cost-efficient function by enabling the ongoing analysis that can inform decision-making. Years ago, marketers carried out lengthy campaigns and hoped for the best, often waiting months to have enough data available to evaluate effectiveness. Lackluster results meant money lost, as those insights arrived far too late to change strategy.

In essence, modern marketing simply doesn’t exist without MarTech. Even the channels marketers engage their audiences on are primarily digital. While the MarTech landscape continues to evolve, it’s not going anywhere.