Triggered Messaging


What Are Triggered Messages?

Triggered messaging is a rapidly growing part of marketing with extremely good ROI. It’s about delivering business messages that are personalized and near-real time: often sent by email but increasingly by other channels such as within web pages.

A triggered message is a kind of outreach (e.g. email, push notification, etc.) that is sent in direct response to an action taken by the message recipient—for instance, opening your brand’s app or making a purchase.


How Can Triggered Messages Help Support Better Marketing?

At their core, triggered messages are a way for brands to use the data at their disposal about their customers and how they’re engaging digitally to improve their messaging. When used in a thoughtful way, triggered messages make it possible for marketers to leverage marketing automation to provide more relevant and meaningful brand experiences to their customers.

Think about how much a knowledgeable, friendly salesperson with good timing can do to improve the shopping experience in a brick and mortar shop. They say hello when you walk into the store, but they also know to let you explore. When you signal real interest in a particular item or type of product, that’s when they’ll follow up and ask if they can help with anything or let you know about a relevant promotion. In a digital context, triggered messages can do much the same thing, creating a messaging experience that’s relevant to each customer and responsive to the signals they’re giving as they give them.

Automated email and SMS campaigns using triggers such as downloading a report, joining a list, making a purchase or attaining a status milestone can provide contacts with highly targeted information and lead users towards the pointy end of the sales funnel.